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The Fourth Gate | Values and Beliefs


5 minutes

Stephane Kpade



I now had excellent strategies to successfully carry out my projects, since my arrival in Quebec in 2006. After the first four years, I thought I finally had the ingredients to make my life a dream and that dream a reality. However, that was far from being the case. The magic was slow to manifest itself. Why? I was not yet aware of it, but I clearly still had doors to go through. Life would inevitably remind me of this.


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Stéphane Kpadé is the founder of SKPADE Conseil & Coaching, a company specializing in personnel development and training engineering: design, development and delivery of tailor-made training. An entrepreneur since 2015, Stéphane is also a training specialist and a leadership & business development coach. He is fascinated by human beings and has made it his mission to help them develop their full potential. Thus, he is passionate about motivating, inspiring, and supporting entrepreneurs and organizations in the process of change at the personal, professional or organizational level. Through his columns, Stéphane shares his life story as well as inspiring and effective tools that are easy to use for your journey. These will help you meet the challenges you have set for yourself and accompany you on the path to a desired change.

Stephane Kpade


Door 4: Values and Beliefs

All the abilities and strategies in the world are futile if we don't believe in them deep down. Worse yet, some beliefs can harm us instead of helping us. I had to go through the fourth gate to realize this.

Values and beliefs constitute the "4th logical level of change," according to the classification of author and trainer Robert Dilts, co-creator of neuro-linguistic programming. According to him, they allow us to inhibit or strengthen a capacity.

Beliefs answer the question “why?”, while values answer the question “for what?”.

My values

Honesty, loyalty, integrity, etc. are deep values that have guided my choices for years. However, I fell into naivety and self-sabotage for having applied them without discernment. Two examples:

out of loyalty , I refused a position that interested me a lot, a few months after I was hired. I wanted to respect my commitment to my new manager… I lost this position, later.

out of humility , I let a colleague take all the credit for a project that had been a success. He had presented it, but I had done it… He was congratulated and became a manager. I was manipulated.

It was in 2012, in my journey as a corporate coach, that I understood that the problem was not in my values, but rather in some of my beliefs. I had just reached the fourth gate.

My beliefs

Know that values and beliefs interact with each other. Helpful or limiting, the latter are often difficult to question.


Beliefs can be detected by sentences that start with: "I must, I have to, I am capable of, it is not, it is important to, etc. (or their opposite)". Unconsciously, I told myself: "I absolutely have to please others. It is important to me. Do your best!" This is a belief that limited me.


Being able to doubt the limiting belief allows you to neutralize its effects. The following questions help with reflection: “Who is forcing you? What would happen if you didn’t do this? Why is it so important? What is stopping you?”


The goal is to replace the limiting belief with a new belief that will be helpful. The following questions help to start the reflection: “Have you ever gotten the result you wanted without doing this? Have you ever gotten another result by doing this? What would you need to believe now for things to go well for you?”

I now told myself: "Think of yourself and do it for yourself! You are appreciated for who you are, not for what you do." It is a helpful belief.

I had finally realized that it was all linked to a lack of self-confidence. I still had to find the right coach, to accompany me to cross this fourth door.

The frog at the top

The philosopher Charles Pépin describes self-confidence as a combination of confidence in others, confidence in one's abilities, and confidence in life, that is, the conviction that there is something good in it, regardless of the future.

Here is a story that illustrates this concept:

One day, a group of frogs set themselves the goal of climbing to the top of the tallest tree in the forest. When the race began, the observers, incredulous, shouted at them that it was impossible and that they would never make it. Despite all their efforts, the frogs doubted, then gave up. Only one persevered despite the disapproving comments. With determination, she managed in a final effort to reach the top of the tree. After this feat, all the frogs, amazed, approached her to know her secret. The latter was deaf… She explained to them in her own way, that she had always been confident of succeeding, especially seeing these wonderful people encouraging her.

She didn't know it was impossible, they said, so she did it!

Like the frog, be deaf to the beliefs of others that discourage you. Be deaf to your own beliefs that limit you. Stay tuned to the beliefs that will help you open the doors that come your way.

“It is the image we have of ourselves that makes our destiny” – Nathaniel Branden

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